About Me

Welcome to Flavors of Delight!


I hope you're ready to see some amazing dishes! I hand pick really good food photos that I think would be appealing and post them here to share with you! So, you'll find some recipes, but not every food posting has an accompanying recipe. Most don't and won't. 

This blog is to inspire you to cook something great, maybe take you back to a past memory of good food you enjoyed while growing up or you can just sit back and enjoy looking at some yummy dishes! Whatever reason you popped in, I hope you'll have a great time visiting and that you'll come back! 

Flavors of Delight Blog

About Me

I'm Kim and from age 12, I've always enjoyed cooking. I started my first cooking blog, ORMG (Ordinary Recipes Made Gourmet) in 2003 and it ran successfully for three years.

From there, I opened Treats of Sweets showcasing my love of desserts and I Love Salads for the greenery lover in me. All of these blogs allowed me to meet some great foodies along the way. After I closed down my cooking blogs to expand my brand, I still had a longing for a foodie blog in some way. But one that I didn't have to do a lot of work on.

I decided to delve into food photography which allows me to still have a hand in the foodie world but without all the work involved in producing blog content. I hand pick really good food photography that I think would be appealing and post it!

You'll find some recipes, but not every food posting has an accompanying recipe. It's much easier for me to run this blog that way. I hope the pics will inspire you to get in the kitchen and whip up something good to eat!

More About this Blog:

Most of the places I pick photos comes from sites like: Pixabay, Pexels, Kaboompics, Unsplash, Picjumbo and I bought a lot of food photos from Canstockphoto.com which sadly closed their business October 1, 2023. If you are the owner of a photo that you see on my site and you did not give permission to have it posted on the internet, please let me know by contacting me here. I will immediately remove that photo(s). This site is a hobby for me and I make $0 revenue to run it, I created it strictly to enjoy food photography.

 For questions, let me know. Thanks for visiting!



3 Foodie Groups

Soups, sandwiches, and salads just seem to go together!